Discover the story of Ana, a strong, but overworked student, that has to face the hardships of a young adult's life.

This game was made for the O2A2 VN Jam 2024, a micro Visual Novel jam with strict asset limitations and a 1000 word limit.



This year's promotional art and logo was drawn by Ekkoberry and is licensed under CC BY-ND 4.0. Plum-chan belongs to the DevTalk community.

We would also want to thank:

- Noraneko Games for the game background

- DejiNyucu for the character sprite

- Screaming Brain Studios for the main menu background

- Bluestype Studio for the font


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Is this a cry for help? Blink twice if it is

This is a short but cute game that gets pretty realistic at times. Ana needs a nap.